Even though, our music comes most of the time from a FLAC files and behind of that is a DAC, the final touch is from the 70s.
A pretty good decade for Yamaha.
A Yamaha CR Amp just crisps the sound of the internal environment and not only.
A Yamaha NS series, for natural sound, 670NS, just keeps on vibrating after all this years, which was and still is a masterpiece, for monitoring and recording , most of the greatest artist that we know of, all the way up to the 90s.
The best echo of a small ambient sounds, has come through my listening experience, when I was young.
Its called Peristeronas.
You may listen to the tiniest details.
From the feathers of a pigeon clapping, up to their vocals .
I made this design and I am pretty happy with the results.
Oh Guys, how can I really describe my feelings about the musicians , in an essay?
Plenty of our People that visit Ovelos are well known musicians, producers and composers, in our local community
or even beyond and do approve the quality of our music.
Everyone that comes by, has a totally different personality and a background in to music, from an analog movement minds, to a digitized frequence heads.
All I can say to you, is, you are my People, due to the passion and love, for the music.
As Offenbach citizens, we are really lucky that we have you and plenty of Artists in other fields, among us.
Thank you so much, all of you guys.